Junior Leader Program

Registration will open in 2025!
Program Info:
The Junior Leader program is available for teens ages 13 and 14 looking to build their leadership skills in preparation for a job. Our program emphasizes leadership skills, creativity, team building, self-compassion, and most importantly fun! By acting as role models for younger campers and assisting in leading different aspects of the camp program, our goal is that the JL's walk away having learned new skills and formed lasting memories with our campers and staff.
Over the 8 weeks, we'll introduce teens to leadership roles with specific training and responsibilities in the camp environment. This will include interactive management, and counseling training indoors as well as participation in camp activities directly with the summer program.
JL's will receive an Arden Manor shirt, a Summer Camp shirt, and a lanyard, that they will be required to wear when at the program and on field trips. We ask that JL's commit to attending no less than 75% of summer camp.
Additional Info:
There will be a limited number of Junior Leader positions available. There is a weekly program fee of $60 during regular weeks and $40 on our short weeks of Summer Camp.
Summer Camp runs Monday-Friday from 7 am-6 pm. Join us for a fun-filled summer adventure with recreational games, science projects, swimming, dress-up days, theme weeks, field trips, special guests, and more!!!
If you have a child that is 15 years old, we are looking for volunteers this summer. They will be able to assist camp counselors with games and art activities.